Hi all,
its been a couple of weeks since I updated this blog, but I have got quite a bit of work done on the large scale marine mini from forge world. I undercoated the mini with army painter black, used vallejo masking fluid to block off the face and airbrushed the whole head with boltgun metal.This was then followed by spraying the helmet with matt varnish and when dry, sprayed with hair varnish. When that was dry I then airbrushed the helmet with Iydanden Darksun.
First Iydanden Darksun Basecoat |
Then using a brush with warm water I set about "distressing" the helmet, the warm water melting the hairspray underneath and removing the yellow paint in an organic sort of way.
Battle damaged yellow |
I then set about adding details such as highlights to the scratches and colours into the recesses using forgeworld weathering powders.
Battledamage/weathering effects |
I then scraped off the masking fluid from the face and set about painting it.
Finished Face |
I also finished off the working eye with green.
Finished Eye |
Overall Head |
I've started the legs, I wanted to add rivets to the legs and set about this by cutting the heads off of some nails I found in the garden shed and gluing them into holes in the legs which I created with my drill bits and knife. I also masked the knee pads with the Vallejo masking medium. All set for painting like the helmet.
Legs Front |
Legs Back |
So lots of photos! I'm looking forward to getting these legs painted, adding the rivets turned out to be really time consuming. and it will be nice to get some paint on them.
In the mean time I have also been working on the Lizardman Battalion but I am having trouble trying to find the right colour scheme for the cold one riders. Once I get that sorted I should be able to finish off the unit fairly quickly.
Until the next update, keep painting.